Holistic treatments and products for natural beauty and well-being

My holistic approach is based on the knowledge that facial skin is a reflection of our body and soul. By using techniques such as Die Chan facial reflexology, Buddhist psychology, intuitive communication and energy work, I can specifically resolve disharmony and blockages in the body and restore inner balance. This not only strengthens the skin, but also the whole person from the inside out. Products such as Vietnamese facial rollers or Dragon Tree Elixir also support this effect at home and allow the individual's natural beauty and charisma to blossom. True to the motto: "Where love flows in, something beautiful can grow."

Our bestsellers

  • Dragon Tree Elixir Face Cream

    Regular price CHF 89.00
    Sale price CHF 89.00 Regular price
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    30 total reviews

  • Small Yang double scooter Premium

    Regular price CHF 136.00
    Sale price CHF 136.00 Regular price
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  • Small Yang double scooter

    Regular price CHF 47.00
    Sale price CHF 47.00 Regular price
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    18 total reviews

Ganzheitliches Revitalisierungswochenende mit Basiskurs der Gesichts- und Fussreflexologie

Im Workshop lernen Sie die Grundlagen der Gesichts- und Fußreflexzonentherapie kennen, erlernen Techniken zur Anwendung zu Hause und entdecken, wie gezielte Massagegriffe Hautgesundheit und Wohlbefinden fördern können. Zusätzlich erhalten Sie wertvolle Einblicke in eine ganzheitliche Herangehensweise für langfristige Gesundheit.

Jetzt anmelden

Mehr Infos

Datum: 23. und 24. November | Samstag: 09.00 - 17.00
| Sonntag: 09.00 - 17.00
Wo: Engelberg, OW
Preis: 490 CHF pro Person (inkl. Mittagessen und Lehrmaterial)

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Dragon Tree Elixir

Finally it's here.

Dragon Tree Elixir is the first product in my holistic skin care line.
It is enriched with Dragon's Blood, the red resin of the mythical Dragon's Blood tree. Dragon Tree Elixir has cell-generating and anti-inflammatory properties and is suitable for all skin types.

Story of the Dragon Tree Elixir

Dragon Tree Elixir brings the skin back to its original balance and helps with wrinkles, pigment spots and blemishes.

SOREA: Valérie H. Banner

Valérie H.

«A visit to Sorea touches body and soul. In her little oasis of well-being, Graciella lets me immerse myself in another world and helps me better understand myself and the needs of my skin with every visit. If you want to focus more on self-love and inner beauty, you've come to the right place. Only high-quality products, your own facial roller and a little “magic” are used. The result: The perfect glow and relaxed like after a yoga retreat!»